This whole project began thanks to the BCI Database Group, a group that I was lucky enough to join in their mission of categorizing all BCI-related abstracts in order to facilitate future research. All these categories were developed thanks to their work, and the abstracts have all been gathered by them as well.

  1. Publication Type (Single-Select): Does the publication describe original research, a review, or some other type of publication?

  2. Data type (Multi-Select): Does the publication rely on original data, a dataset, or some other type of data?

  3. Population (Multi-Select): The subject(s) used in the publication.

  4. Sub-Population (Multi-Select): A more fine-grained description of the subject population used in the publication.

  5. Application (Single-Select): The effect the BCI has on the function of the central nervous system, based on Wolpaw & Wolpaw’s (2012) 5 types of applications, with 2 additional options.

    Note: In some cases, a publication develops a BCI with one application, but states a vision of BCIs used for another application. When applicable, choose the application of BCI implemented, not the hypothetical application.

  6. Recording Type (Multi-Select): the type of neural activity recorded.

  7. Recording Method (Multi-Select): The specific measurement method used.

  8. Brain Signal (Multi-Select): The type of brain activity that is used in the BCI.

  9. Paradigm (Multi-Select): The method used to elicit the brain signal.

    **Note: We include speech as “other” despite the fact that it relies on motor output, as speech is typically thought of as a unique function of the motor system.

  10. Purpose (Multi-Select): The user application or how the output(s) of the BCI was used.

    Be careful not to choose the motivating purpose (e.g. communication), but the purpose of the implemented BCI (e.g. cursor control).

  11. Contribution (Single-Select): The area in which the publication advances the BCI field.

  12. Sub-Contributions

Abstract #1

EEG classification using Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) is introduced on the basis of a Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) built in Graz, where a subject controlled a cursor in one dimension on a monitor using potentials recorded from the intact scalp. The method of classification with LVQ is described in detail along with first results on a subject who participated in four on-line cursor control sessions. Using this data, extensive off-line experiments were performed to show the influence of the various parameters of the classifier and the extracted features of the EEG on the classification results.

  1. Publication Type (Single-Select): Does the publication describe original research, a review, or some other type of publication?

Based on the provided abstract, the first abstract falls under the category of “Original Research” as it describes the development and implementation of a Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) using EEG classification with Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) methodology, along with presenting results from online cursor control sessions and offline experiments to analyze the influence of various parameters on classification results.